My friend and studio mate Melina Bishop recently had a show with Vignettes up in Seattle. I was lucky enough to have the day off work and got to drive up there and see it in person. Afterwards, I wrote a little essay + interview for Vignettes in response to the show. You can find the full piece on the Vignettes site, but I'll include an excerpt below:
"Walking around the show, I made a hasty mind map. The word human branches out and connects to forms, clothing, skin, body. Loose threads connects to patchwork, which connects to covered, cleaned, corrected, connection, attempted, which reaches out to longing. Another note scratched down on the next page simply reads: Outgrowing shells and abandoning them.
It’s this thought I most see in Soft Logics, although perhaps “relinquish” would be a better word. For it’s not abandoning past shells, or past selves, but letting them go and moving forward. Growing another shell out of the same material, creating something new out of the fodder."
This photograph isn't from the show, simply from our studio, but it's one of my favorites.