(Today is) Commissions

Commission a (Today is) painting

(Today is) is an ongoing series of paintings of the phrase “and it never will be again.” As in: Today is January 7, 2025, and it never will be again. 

If you’re wanting to collect a (Today is) painting from a significant date, you can use the form below to inquire about my availability.

Inquire About A Date

 More Commission Info

The cost for commissioned (Today is) paintings is $150 + shipping. They are one-of-one original artworks—once you commission a date, you’ll be the only person who owns the original painting made that day.

Your painting will ship after the month is over. (For example, if you commission a painting in January 2025, it will ship the first week of February 2025.) This gives me the chance to document each month in it’s entirety.

The paint color for each month won’t be announced until the start of each month, so the paint color for your painting will be a surprise.

After we’ve communicated about your date, you’ll be sent a private link to purchase your painting & will be added to my calendar.

Please note, I’m currently only booking dates in 2025.